Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sunday Dinner

Day 28. I can't believe January is almost over. This has been a really phenomenal month. So far, I have lost nearly 5 pounds. I have not had a Diet Coke in 28 days. I am sleeping better and have boundless energy. Overall, I pretty much got the bill of goods all you other vegans sold me. Consider me convinced.

Today, I did another marathon cooking session to get us through this week. Yes, we still have frozen sweet potato gnocchi in the freezer - maybe I'll finally make it this week. I also made two types of lasagna: roasted vegetable and mushroom-artichoke (recipes forthcoming). For tonight, I decided to go old-school and do meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and green beans. Although, with a twist: I did Chow Vegan's Home-Style Vegan Meatloaf, mustard mashed cauliflower, and carmelized onion-dill green beans (the latter two being recipes of my own creation). A decidedly delicious and homey way to end the weekend!

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